The Program Committee (PC) is responsible for giving advice concerning education and exam regulations that have to be approved every year, and for evaluating the quality of education. The PC consists of six students and six teachers. The PC considers both course evaluations and teacher's reactions to those, and evaluates the quality of the courses. They also give advice, even unsolicited, to the Director of Education and the Education Board.
Besides these things the PC is also a body consisting partially of students that you as a student can approach with issues regarding specific courses, the curriculum or the like. Each quarter the PC organises a walk-in session where accompanied by free drinks and cookies you can talk to the student members of the PC about any of the courses from that quarter. If something happens in the middle of the quarter, it is something you would rather not talk about in person or you just prefer using email for any other reason then also feel free to contact us at for the students of the PC and at for the entire PC. For more information about the members or anything related to the PC you can also look here.
The Faculty of Science has their own student participation organ that concerns itself with matters that are important to our faculty. This ranges from an expension of the computer rooms to more lenient opening hours to changes concerning education. The Faculty Student Council is open for all suggestions that have anything to do with our faculty. Whether you think there is not enough space in the bicycle parking lots or that you did not get enough time on your exams due to the procters, the Faculty Student Council tries to tackle all problems and make sure that the Faculty of Science remains the best faculty at our university. You can read more about the Faculty Student Council here.
The University Student Council (USC) is concerned with all issues that concern the entire university. One could think of the opening hours of the university library, the renting of rooms for student organizations or the orientation week. The USC consists of fourteen members. Eight are chosen by students and the other six represent different student organizations from the university. You can read more about the USC here and here.